Story Circles: Tales of Reckonings, Reflections and Reconciliations
January 01 1970
12:00 AM (CT)
Hosted By: Willa J Taylor
In honor of MLK Day and the National Day of Racial Healing, join us for two story circles as tellers share tales of reckonings, reflections, and reconciliations on Tuesday, January 21 at 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm CT.
Racism infects all our lives and the stories we tell — or don’t — literally create our world. We must write new stories and share our truths with each other if we hope to build trust and develop authentic relationships. These circles will hopefully inspire more stories — and conversations — and encourage us to listen and learn from one another as we forge a future of equity and justice for all people.
Begun in 2017, The National Day of Racial Healing builds upon the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s long-standing commitment to racial equity and grew out of the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) initiative — a comprehensive community-driven effort to bring about transformational and sustainable change while addressing the historic and contemporary effects of racism.
RSVP today at to join us on Tuesday, January 21 at 12 pm and 2:00 pm CT for these inspiring and transformative stories.
Sponsored by Morten Group, LLC and Creative Curriculum Ventures LLC.