Racial Healing Day Film Viewing – “Daughters of the Dust”
4:00 PM
Hosted By: Black Resource Center at SIUC
This event is to provide space to learn from elders and ancestors through the expression of art created by Ms. Julie Dash. Her 1991 independent film "Daughters of the Dust” premiered at Sundance during a time when depictions of Black women were inaccurate and few. Ms. Dash wrote, directed, and produced the film and went on to win the Sundance Award for Best Cinematography. This led Ms. Dash to become the first African American woman to have a wide theatrical release. This year the Black History Month theme for the Southern Illinois University campus is “Ancestral Healing.” The theme is chosen by the Black Resource Center on campus. This movie allows us to step into a portal to learn from parts of our culture that have been forgotten and misplaced. Remembering and recalling the truth is racial healing 101 which supports us in connecting with our Ancestors. We are pleased and grateful to provide space for this course on remembering.