Healing & Transgressing Colorism in the Latino Community
1:00 PM
In solidarity with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation National Day of Racial Healing (January 16th), we invite you to join a discussion on healing and transgressing colorism in the Latino community. Our Executive Director, Angela Mictlanxochitl, will share work and insight from elder in spirit world and scholar Dr. Roberto Cintli Rodriguez, testimonios from Tenoch Huerta's 'Orgullo Prieto', and welcomes the stories of reconciliation in your community. Colorism is the prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group. Colorism due to systemic injustice and colonial influences has become a behavior within many of our customs both private and public. The goal in this discussion is not too shame but to listen to one another's experiences and to learn how we can change our behaviors for racial justice and healing in our community. Leading with compassion and growth!