
12:00 AM (ET)
Hosted By: ALL- In Cincinnati
The tri-state region will celebrate Cincinnati's 5th Annual National Day of Racial Healing with changemakers, advocates, and community leaders. Hosted by All-In Cincinnati and the Center for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati's National Day of Racial Healing will be held on January 21 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Greater Cincinnati Foundation (720 E Pete Rose Way #120, Cincinnati, OH 45202). This free and public session allows everyone to delve into their healing and learn about building a more just region through collaboration, advocacy, and policy change.
This year's theme is inspired by the powerful vision of the All Means All Framework from PolicyLink – Moving from Education to Policy Change and Impact. Two esteemed leaders, PolicyLink President Ashleigh Gardere, and Lenace Edwards, community engagement and field director, will share how driving equity through innovation, collaboration, and institution-building will lead to a bold vision for a thriving multiracial democracy.
WSTR Star 64 will also air a 30-minute television program at 6 p.m. highlighting the racial healing journey throughout Greater Cincinnati's history and what our region is doing to address the needs of all residents.
Yalie Saweda Kamara, Cincinnati and Mercantile Library Poet Laureate, Revolution Dance, Black Art Speaks creative designers, and Taylor Curtis, YWCA Greater Cincinnati Director of Racial Justice and Equity, will offer artistic expressions of their experiences with race, racial healing and advocating for equity in marginalized communities. Attendees will also experience mindfulness sessions, lite fare, and a swag shop.
The celebration will also conclude a panel discussion moderated by WKRC News Anchor Kyle Inskeep to understand how the All Means All Framework can be successfully implemented in Greater Cincinnati.
The panelists are as follows:
• Teresa Gonzalez, Executive Director of Design Impact
• Shakila Ahmad, CEO | Co-Founder of Empowering Spaces
• Christie Kuhns, CEO of the Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio
• Shawn Jeffers, CEO of Youth at the Center
Cincinnati’s National Day of Racial Healing sponsors include All-In Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati Taft Center, Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Interact for Health, bi3, and Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky African American Chamber of Commerce.
For more information, to register, or to donate, visit www.racialhealingcincinnati.com. All are welcome to attend.
About Cincinnati’s National Day of Racial Healing Hosts:
All-In Cincinnati is a racial equity coalition working to dismantle racial inequities in health, housing, education, economic mobility, and justice. The Center for Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation at the University of Cincinnati uses research, learning, and action to provide space for healing the harm caused by the matrices of oppression, including racial injustice.
This year's theme is inspired by the powerful vision of the All Means All Framework from PolicyLink – Moving from Education to Policy Change and Impact. Two esteemed leaders, PolicyLink President Ashleigh Gardere, and Lenace Edwards, community engagement and field director, will share how driving equity through innovation, collaboration, and institution-building will lead to a bold vision for a thriving multiracial democracy.
WSTR Star 64 will also air a 30-minute television program at 6 p.m. highlighting the racial healing journey throughout Greater Cincinnati's history and what our region is doing to address the needs of all residents.
Yalie Saweda Kamara, Cincinnati and Mercantile Library Poet Laureate, Revolution Dance, Black Art Speaks creative designers, and Taylor Curtis, YWCA Greater Cincinnati Director of Racial Justice and Equity, will offer artistic expressions of their experiences with race, racial healing and advocating for equity in marginalized communities. Attendees will also experience mindfulness sessions, lite fare, and a swag shop.
The celebration will also conclude a panel discussion moderated by WKRC News Anchor Kyle Inskeep to understand how the All Means All Framework can be successfully implemented in Greater Cincinnati.
The panelists are as follows:
• Teresa Gonzalez, Executive Director of Design Impact
• Shakila Ahmad, CEO | Co-Founder of Empowering Spaces
• Christie Kuhns, CEO of the Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio
• Shawn Jeffers, CEO of Youth at the Center
Cincinnati’s National Day of Racial Healing sponsors include All-In Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati Taft Center, Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Interact for Health, bi3, and Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky African American Chamber of Commerce.
For more information, to register, or to donate, visit www.racialhealingcincinnati.com. All are welcome to attend.
About Cincinnati’s National Day of Racial Healing Hosts:
All-In Cincinnati is a racial equity coalition working to dismantle racial inequities in health, housing, education, economic mobility, and justice. The Center for Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation at the University of Cincinnati uses research, learning, and action to provide space for healing the harm caused by the matrices of oppression, including racial injustice.
720 E Pete Rose Way #120, Cincinnati, Ohio