Black Hair in a White World
2:30 PM
Hosted By: Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation & the Center for Cultural Liberation.
This year we are honored to welcome Dr. Tameka Ellington, author of four books, including the award-winning, TEXTURES: The History and Art of Black Hair and Black Hair in a White World. In her books, Dr. Ellington takes a critical and nuanced look at societal perceptions of Black hair, past and present. Her lecture will help us explore the cultural history, perceptions, and increasing acceptance of Black hair in the broader American society.

Throughout the day students are invited to get a free haircut and style for ALL HAIR TEXTURES in our Center for Cultural Liberation offered by ClipDart. ClipDart is a non-profit started by entrepreneur, Kyle Parker. ClipDart's mission is to make a powerful, positive impact on the mental wellness of communities around the world through hair professionals, while, concurrently, revolutionizing the hair industry & common view of hair professionals' essentialness.

The event is hosted by Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation & the Center for Cultural Liberation.