The event will be a community racial healing space for staff and families to act on Dr. King’s legacy of social justice and equity by participating in a community conversation about race.

Begin to get youth to acknowledge times in their lives where they were dehumanize

Nuestro Diálogo Racial es un espacio para tener conversaciones y escuchar a la gente en la comunidad de sus experiencias con racismo y discriminiacion. Podemos aprender de cada uno y reflejar en nuestro humanidad. Este dialogo es parte de un serie con él comunes equidad social de Bladensburg. Miércoles 10 de julio, 6:00 – 7:30 pm, Biblioteca de Bladensburg, 4820 Annapolis Road, Bladensburg, Maryland 20710. Para registrarse, llame Biblio Consulta-(240)455-5451 (presione la opción 2) o ir a

My name is Matthew, I am reaching out to ask for your help with The Arnwine Family for an attorney to help my family fight for justice, i learned about what happened to my family and I knew it was wrong, I am young 20 years old and I wanted to know more of my family history story, my cousin told me and I automatically said that someone needs to fight for justice and I have read the slave Narrative that Sterling Arnwine did with the Federal Writers Project and I was in shock about how they took my family land that was left in the will of Albartis Arnwine my 4th Great Grandfather in Jacksonville Texas, it's sad that nothing has been done about it and no one is fighting for our family. I ordered a t shirt that our family has to wear to let others know and I shared our story on Instagram to get help with our petition and GoFundMe page, we do want the world to know our historical story. My family has and been doing so much to get justice and we need a lawyer quickly to get justice, because we know it will be hard soon to fight with laws changing all the time. I am standing behind my family and we hope you do too. My Family wants me to be the "Youth Leader" for our family because I have learned a lot and it's not a lot of the young people that would listen to the older family members and I can help them understand better because I am the youth of the family, so I can educate them on how important family history is and what happened to our family. I want the world to know about our untold Historical African American story. Please help The Arnwine Family get justice and reparations. We Have NAACP working with us, I'm Proud To be able to share with our young generation my important family story and African American History. Thank You
Matthew Norman
Please Read Our Article 👇

‘We Owe it to Gracie’: A Look Inside This Family’s Quest for Reparations

Racial healing circles provide a transformative space for personal growth, fostering open discussions, healing, education, and progress toward racial justice.  These circles create a secure environment that empowers individuals to become catalysts for positive change. 

This event is exclusive;  if you are interested in bringing this program to your organization, please contact either Sonia Lopez, or Maria Gutiérrez,

The series will be delivered in Spanish.

Racial healing circles provide a transformative space for personal growth, fostering open discussions, healing, education, and progress toward racial justice.  These circles create a secure environment that empowers individuals to become catalysts for positive change. 

This event is exclusive;  if you are interested in bringing this program to your organization, please contact either Sonia Lopez, or Maria Gutiérrez,

The series will be delivered in Spanish.

Racial healing circles provide a transformative space for personal growth, fostering open discussions, healing, education, and progress toward racial justice.  These circles create a secure environment that empowers individuals to become catalysts for positive change. 

This event is exclusive;  if you are interested in bringing this program to your organization, please contact either Sonia Lopez, or Maria Gutiérrez,

The series will be delivered in Spanish.

Join us for a transformative day dedicated to healing and reconciliation within our community. The Healing Circle: Day of Racial Healing is a safe and inclusive space where individuals from all backgrounds can come together to acknowledge, understand, and address the impacts of racial injustice. Through guided discussions, storytelling, and reflective activities, we will explore the complexities of race relations and work towards fostering empathy, understanding, and healing. Together, let's commit to creating a more equitable and compassionate society. All are welcome to participate in this essential journey towards unity and healing.

We served over 500 pallets to 65 different organizations with different backgrounds so they can go into the underserved communities with supplies, shoes, clothes, food washing, detergent, free pharmacy, free therapy Can we talked about the barriers? The minority non-profits have when it comes to fundraising, but those that are boots on the ground. There was raised in the minority communities and a racial discrepancies that big donors cannot give to minority non-profits directly with long RFPs that are difficult to fill out. But the world keeps using minority faces on commercials and shelters. But we don't have tangible buildings, cars, trucks, food trucks, disaster relief, but we're hit more often with a national disaster and losing our jobs. We want to make sure that large companies understand that in order to help crime and health, you must serve directly funding for BIPOC COMMUNITIES

In-Lak'ech Ala K'in: "Tu eres mi otro yo," I am you; you are me.
A Mayan term that explains how the "other" is me and I am the "other" simultaneously. As I care for them, I care for myself.
I am you; you are me." On the National Day of Racial Healing, it is time to reflect on our shared values and create collaboration, reflecting ourselves on the "others." We placed students in front of each other and asked them to identify similarities and differences.
At Raíces, we believe that a different world is possible, and we must open our hearts to recognize ourselves in the other. We understand these values and practice them daily at school. EQUALITY, RESPECT, DIFFERENCE, DIVERSITY, SOLIDARITY, UNDERSTANDING, FREEDOM, JUSTICE.