Past Prompts
How has your life been affected by racism? What do you personally need to heal right now?
I have lived my life as kind-hearted as possible given the circumstances. People have been treated with respect and consideration.
Darlene W.
Blue Island
Black American
When I see something that is not right, not just, not fair, I have a moral obligation to say something, to do something.
Steve Forseth
Columbia Heights
I gave birth to a baby girl who was Immediately taken by child welfare. During my time of incarceration she was adopted by a Caucasian family.
Stephanie jeffcoat
Race is the most diabolical vehicle for dehumanization ever created. We should stop racializing and work to create an aracial world.
Ashley O'Kurley
Fort Myers, FL
I am pro-pronoun
For a long time I thought there was something wrong with a women who dated and/or married a black man. But was Ok with a white man & a black women.
Hank Stohr
Chicago/New York
I have been undervalued my expertise and work experience taken for granite . Everybody wants to pick my brain nobody wants to pay for consulting.
Ashana Bigard
New Orleans
Black and native
She her hers