Who made this painting?
This painting was created by David Eldred. Originally from Battle Creek, Michigan, David is a Colorado-based illustrator who loves to create elaborate textures that endow characters and landscapes with vividness and tactility. He says he is always pleased to have the opportunity to create interesting, whimsical, playful imagery. Learn more about David’s work at davideldreddraws.com.
About this piece
Commissioned by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) and as part of their engagement in the June 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival, “Every Child’s Dream” illustrates the foundation’s vision that all children can reach their full potential, free of limitations created by racism and other systemic barriers. Created on the grounds during the five-day festival, as part of the foundation’s racial healing center, this piece invited conference attendees to contribute their ideas as depicted in this child’s dream – of what racial healing means to them. By leveraging the power of imagination and community in building a world in which children and families thrive – the foundation supports collective action towards a more equitable future. Learn more on WKKF’s multi-author storytelling website, everychildthrives.com.