America Erased 2025

11:00 AM (PT)
Hosted By: Courageous Conversation Global Foundation
“Power is the ability to define reality and to have others respond to your (that) definition as if it were (their) own.” W. Nobles, 2006
Excluding perspectives does not erase facts or their truth. It hides them in shame. Neither does covering our eyes make us colorblind. It merely renders us blindfolded, embarrassed by the very realities clearly in sight.
How did we arrive here, comfortable and just mildly disturbed by the facts of who we are and how we became us…and them? Does an end justify the means? Surely not. Native apartheid now does not absolve the genocide that made it so. Racial caste now vindicates not the enslavement nor Jim Crow from which it is birthed.
Rewriting the story of generations past or that of ours presently being made is about the power to define the reality of both to White-wash and control the future.
As we continue Learning to Be Free, Courageous Conversation® invites you to AMERICA ERASED 2025 on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific Time. Facilitators include: Glenn Singleton, Courageous Conversation Founder and President; Dr. Ruby Ababio-Hernandez, Courageous Conversation Executive Vice President of Programming & Development; and Madame Athena Chang, Courageous Conversation Global Foundation Executive Director.
Don't be a passive observer of history. Be an active participant in shaping the future. Join us for this unparalleled dialogue across generations to “remix the narrative” about the indelible story of us — the people who were here and still are, the ones who came and continue to come seeking, and those who were forced and have stayed in defiance and condemnation.
RSVP today and be a part of the change.
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